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Forum Posts

Aelyrya Payne
Jun 12, 2019
In MMD Open Projects
Anyone wishing to take part in the Phoenix Flight Image Challenge should discuss their ideas and participation schedule here. THIS CHALLENGE CLOSES ON SUNDAY THE 14TH OF JULY - YOU HAVE ONE MONTH! Challenge starts..... NOW!
MMD CHALLENGE: Phoenix Flight content media
Aelyrya Payne
Jun 11, 2019
In Civilian Comms
The RoL Directorate of Science and Exploration is pleased to announce that a new role within the department has become available with the option of placement at the Lorell Academy for Science and Exploration, RLNS Serapis. We are seeking to appoint technological developers and researchers specialising in both utility and military hardware to further advance the capabilities of our civilian and military fleets. The Directorate is seeking individuals with an interest in Hardware Development, Programming, AI, Vehicle Maintenance/Modulation and Applied Physics to help drive the Republic's development projects to the next stage of their evolution. Roles can be made available on a voluntary basis, or can be taken as paying positions as members of the Academy Research Team, where additional duties will include teaching, basic maintenance and engaging in Council or Military-requested research and development tasks. Students of Technological Development are heavily encouraged to apply for placements and work experience to broaden their understanding of their chosen field of study. CVs and questions should be sent to Dr A. G. Payne (DSE; LASE)
JOB: Technological Research and Development content media
Aelyrya Payne
Jun 11, 2019
In Civilian Comms
The RoL Directorate of Science and Exploration is pleased to announce that a new role within the department has become available with the option of placement at the Lorell Academy for Science and Exploration, RLNS Serapis. We are seeking to appoint multiple two-man exploration teams to lay the groundwork for future academic study, economic advancement and eventual resettlement of the fleet of Lorell. The Directorate is seeking individuals with an interest in scouting, mapping and exploration, as well as those with additional interests in other areas of study, such as botany and xeno-history. Roles can be made available on a voluntary basis, or can be taken as paying positions as members of the Academy Research Team, where additional duties will include teaching, basic maintenance and engaging in Council or Military-requested research and exploration tasks. Students of exploration and cartography are heavily encouraged to apply for placements and work experience to broaden their understanding of their chosen field of study. CVs and questions should be sent to Dr A. G. Payne (DSE; LASE)
JOB: Exploration Team content media
Aelyrya Payne
Feb 13, 2019
In Announcements
WITH THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE DATE, PLANNING IS NOW WELL UNDERWAY! Fundraising has begun for BritizenCon, so if you would like to donate, please head over to If you have any images, artwork, sculptures, etc that you would like to submit for exhibition, please contact Aelyrya.
BritizenCon 2019 content media
Aelyrya Payne
Feb 13, 2019
In MMD Open Projects
REGISTER YOUR INTEREST HERE FOR RoL SEW-ON PATCHES! Hi all, Sew-on Republic patches are currently in the design phase awaiting final sign-off. The main problem that we have is that patches are expensive in small batches, so we are hoping to get together a list of people who would like to purchase a patch in advance. This will allow us to collect money beforehand and to reduce the costs by ordering a larger number in one go. If you would like a patch (or patches!), please register your interest below, stating how many patches you would like to buy. We will update you with further details once we have a clear idea of how many we will be purchasing. Many thanks!
Aelyrya Payne
Dec 16, 2018
In MMD Open Projects
Homecoming is a short, audio-drama-style piece for advertisement and lore purposes. It touches on a previously ghosted part of Lorelli lore, the "Homecoming Transmission", a piece of technology and broadcasting magic utilised to bring our people back "home". The idea is to hint at the idea of the Homecoming Transmission without divulging full details; this will seek to entice prospective members with our deep and heartfelt lore, while also utilising the skills of our membership to showcase our dedication to each other. The MMD is looking for voices to help create this broadcast. In total we need four individuals - one part is male, one part is female, and the other two can be done by either gender. If you are interested in taking part, please let me know so we can have a chat, look over the script and see where you would fit best! Many thanks
Homecoming content media
Aelyrya Payne
Oct 22, 2018
In Lorellian Trade Sector
Make like Gondor and light your Beacons! Are you looking for a particular item or part? On a budget and hoping someone might have one laying around? Or perhaps you need some help getting a part because it's not sold locally to you and you'd like someone to collect it for you? Well, post your needs here and one of your fellow citizens might be able to help! Please make sure you make it very clear what you are looking for, and if you have a suggestion for someone, make sure to DM them here or on Discord!
Aelyrya Payne
Oct 22, 2018
In Lorellian Trade Sector
Sell your used or unwanted computer and gaming kit! Rules for selling: Please provide full descriptions of the item/s you wish to sell, including any known faults, damage, etc Provide pictures of the items you wish to sell Clearly label all costs AND POSTAGE COSTS - if you do not wish to ship to or outside a certain area, SAY SO Sales, etc are made at your own risk, and should be done via DM either here, or on Discord
Aelyrya Payne
Oct 22, 2018
In Lorellian Trade Sector
Rules for Selling: Sales of Star Citizen ships and content ONLY, subject to CiGs Terms of Use and Service policies If you are adding a mark-up to your sale, PLEASE DETAIL IT on your post DM individuals directly regarding sales, either here or on Discord Selling or trading pledges is done at your own risk; the Republic of Lorell and its leadership cannot be held responsible for any disputes that may result from such exchanges
Aelyrya Payne
Jun 03, 2018
In RL Projects and Art
Hi everyone, so, in real life, I work in Logistics, but what I really want to do, is go back to being a freelance artist and photographer. I used to run my own photojournalism company, but was forced to close it down and take up full time work after the economy crashed in 2012. I am looking to get back into the photography game, but this time offering art and design services as well. I am doing this by once more going freelance, but at the moment, I am attempting to build up my portfolio and following! For this purpose, I have been using social media and Patreon, which you can visit at the links below: Patreon: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: I will be posting examples of my work below, but in the meantime, you can have a look at my websites: Personal: Business: Project: Thank you for your support! ^_^
Aelyrya Payne
May 25, 2018
In RL Projects and Art
Welcome to the OOC Projects category, where you can share your Real Life projects and non-gaming related exploits. The reason we have included this category in our forums is because we are a community first and foremost. As a community, we support and encourage our members to become better and to strive for bigger things, buildin g on their strengths to achieve more in their lives. By giving our members a safe, dedicated space to share their ambitions and projects with the rest of the community we are giving them the opportunity to seek help form their friends within the community, and giving them the support they need in order to get these things done. This category will also give people the opportunity to share pages like Patreon, Kickstarter, etc without spamming the Discord and without getting into people's faces with it. With that being said, there are a few rules that we would like people to follow: Only ONE thread per topic/project - don't make a new thread every time something new happens with a project. Simply update your current thread. This channel is for YOUR PROJECTS ONLY. Please do not share projects that you yourself are not a part of. You CAN SHARE Patreons, crowdfunding campaigns, Kofe pots, etc, but harassing, repeat begging or cajoling people into subscribing to you or giving you money is NOT ALLOWED as it devalues what you are trying to do. Make your case, then leave it alone - though updating your thread every so often with news and updates is acceptable. Please be considerate of the thoughts and feelings of others when commenting on threads - many people pour their heart and soul into their projects, so be constructive with your criticism and HELP them get better, rather than simply writing them off. Thank you!
Aelyrya Payne
May 25, 2018
In Lorell Plays
If anyone is interested in playing Warframe with me at any time, please let me know and/or DM me for my Steam name! I primarily play Valkyr Prime or Excalibur Umbra, with a sniper rifle/bow, pistol and claws load-out. I also have the following 'frames: Trinity Prime Ash Prime Valkyr Gara Banshee Saryn Mirage Nyx Vauban Nekros Oberon
WARFRAME content media
Aelyrya Payne
Apr 27, 2018
In Council of Lorell
Roster Correct as of 20/05/19 Voting Roles: Speaker of the Council: Captain Kaetha Amathi Secretary of the Treasury: Dr Aelyrya Payne Secretary of Defence: Admiral Galadriel Pope Secretary of Medical, Health and Wellbeing: Dr Dakk Bankston Secretary of Justice: Secretary of Trade and Commerce: Secretary of Foreign Relations: Montegue Cristo Elected Councillor: Pascal Rhetorius Elected Councillor: Lt Roan Blackbreed Advisory Roles: Republic Security: Zokjin Science and Research Advisor to the Speaker and/or Admiralty: Dr Aelyrya Payne
Aelyrya Payne
Apr 08, 2018
In General Discussion
Hi guys, I often have problems with 3D fleet generators because I don't have the correct plug-ins and I don't know code, so it can be difficult for me to visualise my fleet. However, I just found this one, that was really easy to use and allows you to see your fleet in standard 3D rendering or in colour! Mine is still only a little fleet, but I thought it would be fun for everyone to show off theirs, so why not check it out and post your fleet picture below?!
Cool Little Fleet Generator! content media
Aelyrya Payne
Apr 06, 2018
In Citizenship Services
Welcome to the Republic! We hope that you have found a "forever home" here with Lorell, and we look forward to flying with you in the 'verse, as well as exploring other games. Please take a moment to introduce yourself, tell us a little about what you enjoy and how you would like to help Lorell. I'll start! Hello! My name is Aelyrya, but most people call me Aely for short. In game, I am going to be playing Aelyrya Payne; scientist, sniper and anti-social party hater! I own an Endeavor, Herald and Reliant Sen, and have a soft spot for bikes! I am Chief Researcher for Wintermane Support and Salvage, we well as Secretary of the Treasury, Head of the Lorell Academy of Science and Chief Science Advisor to the Speaker. OOC I am an artist, photographer, writer and designer, as well as working in public transport. I love playing sci-fi and fantasy games, usually choosing sniper or other ranged support/DPS classes. I also like table-top games such as D&D, where I have an affinity for Ranger and Druid classes! I am also the Republic's MultiMedia Director, so I deal with all things promotional, including Social Media, this website, convention preparation and merchandise design/purchase! If you have any questions, drop me a DM or you can email me at
Introduce Yourself! content media
Aelyrya Payne
Apr 06, 2018
In Announcements
To celebrate the Republic's 2nd Birthday, we will be holding a raffle for all our members in support of SpecialEffect, with half the proceeds going to Lorell, and the other half to SpecialEffect. The prize will feature an SC gift card and the Lorell-branded contents below: Tote Bag Badge Magnet Window Sticker Notebook T-shirt Tickets cost 25p a ticket or £1 for a strip of 5 tickets. You can also donate directly to SpecialEffect if you do not wish to take part in the raffle. Contact myself or post a response here to purchase some tickets or make a donation!
New Competition: 2nd Birthday Raffle content media
Aelyrya Payne
Mar 25, 2018
In MMD Open Projects
Hi everyone! Our newest contest is Screenshot of the Month, which will take place on a monthly basis with the winner having their image used as the banner image on Facebook and Twitter for the next month. Screenshots must be your own, or a collaboration between yourself and others within the Org. Open to Org members only. At the end of the Year, all winners will be put into a Screenshot of the Year competition to win a prize (to be announced). The contest opens on the first of every month, and runs until the final day of that month. Submissions can be sent via link, submitted via DM or posted to the Hangar and tagging me directly. The winner will be announced on the first of the next month. See below for winners and special mentions 2018 Winners February: Jozai Spalder (Special Mention: Tristan Daughrity) March: Kaetha Amathi April: Fronn Valerious May: Fronn Valerious June: Eve Wake July: No Competition August: No Competition September: No Competition October: Cara Reid November: Erebus Kingsley
Screenshot of the Month content media
Aelyrya Payne
Dec 08, 2017
In Announcements
Hello everyone! As you already know, next year we will be attending BritizenCon as exhibitors - this is the first time that we have attempted such a thing as an Org, and as such, it's going to be a pretty steep learning curve for everyone involved! We appreciate all your support thus far, and hope that we can meet expectations. This thread has been started as a place to highlight our progress and to keep you all updated in what is going on. We will also be keeping duplicates of any information we post on Discord, Spectrum and on Facebook (if appropriate). So far, as an Org we have managed to raise £800 (US$1077.72) - this is a great start, and will allow us to purchase the very basics we would need to go to the Con. This includes things like standing banners, some leaflets, business cards and table dressings. However, if we reallywant to make an impact, a little more wouldn't hurt! We have extended our fundraising to a stretch goal of £1000 (US$1347.15), and this is now open for donations. So if you have a little to spare, head on over to (link to be updated soon) and donate through the app there. Again, thanks to everyone for your support and keep checking back to see what's new!
BritizenCon 2018 content media
Aelyrya Payne
Dec 03, 2017
In MMD Open Projects
If you are interested in playing games for the "Lorell Plays" YouTube series, post responses with the games you are interested in playing, and contact other members if you see they are interested in playing a game you like! Update your lists whenever you find or buy a new game to try! To get the ball rolling, here are some games I would be happy to play! >Warframe >Pay Day 1/2 >World of Warcraft >Starcraft 2 >Zombie Army Trilogy >Left 4 Dead 2 >Roll20 D&D
Aelyrya Payne
Sep 03, 2017
In General Discussion
Welcome to the prototype website-branded forum. We are testing new ways of communicating and sharing information, and this is one of many platforms we are currently looking into. Please note: at this time, we are not looking at removing Enjin - this is just to test functionality and plausibility of available assets. We also encourage all members to continue to post on Spectrum as the primary recruitment driver. Many thanks for your co-operation and patience.
Welcome to the Forum content media

Aelyrya Payne

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